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Planning Ahead Eases Tax Audit Worries

A letter arrives from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You are being audited. Panic ensues as you wonder what you did wrong and why the CRA is targeting you. 'There must be bigger fish to fry,' you might say to yourself.

The first thing you need to do is relax and take a few deep breaths. If you have a qualified tax advisor on your team, you have nothing to worry about. If you don't, now is a good time to contact a professional tax planner to review your returns and assist you with the audit.

What's Your Retirement Planning Mindset?

Recent studies * reveal that a large majority of so-called Baby Boomers are uncertain about their preparation for retirement. Arguably, the have it my way generation did not all follow in their parents' footsteps when it came to saving for the future. As well, some major bumps along the way (a housing crisis, a stock market crash, a global financial crisis and a pandemic) have reduced many retirement 'nest eggs.'

I Want it All and I Want it Now

 I Want it All and I Want it Now

The neighbors have a shiny new sport utility vehicle to tow their travel trailer. They take a two-week tropical vacation every winter. Their family room is equipped with the latest large screen TV and surround sound stereo system. Many people believe this is a sign of wealth. In fact, this is usually a sign of consumption.

More often than not, the above lifestyle is funded with huge amounts of debt.
